During the making of our second album we started recording a few covers that we had been fans of. The first few included Weezer, Beach Boys, Deftones and a Juliana Hatfield cover. We didn't record these to become official "Velvet Ants cover whoever" tracks... and by all means you're hearing maybe the second or third mix... but these are bands we look up to and admire. So in a way we are just paying a little homage and having fun along the way. I had released a few rough mixes of these back when we were working on them but the ones we're putting on YouTube and Bandcamp are the final versions (or at least as far as they got). Shortly after our second album was released the original drummer for the band Trevor Hart, left the group. Luckily, we weren't trying to prove anything with these recordings but I was able to have the drums programmed for You Might Think - our Cars cover and used a drum machine on Forever written by Dennis Wilson and The Lemonheads cover Postcard written by Ben Deily. All of the rest are just me and an acoustic and a bass, with maybe some e-bow here and there. We hope you enjoy these tracks. They can all be downloaded for free @ http://velvet-ants.com/album/covers
And you can now stream the album on YouTube:
Ian M.