Hi folks,
Ian here. As November rolls on I'm not sure if we'll reach our deadline for the next two releases being out this year. At first I thought we'd at least have the b-sides out but of course things never go as planned, right?
We have ordered, or were rather granted, a brand-new limited edition of 'Advantage' (due a few things being askew on the first batch). They are pretty much the same album, although I did make a few minor adjustments we hadn't allowed ourselves the first go around.
Here's a glance at the new disc layout:
I'd like to have a few more giveaways between now and the the release of 'Extras' and the covers album so if you'd like a copy of one of these new bad boys, and maybe a few other items we have laying around stay tuned to our twitter/facebook posts in the upcoming weeks.
We're also still on the fence regarding any new performances... I think we'll have to see where the rest of the year leads us before making any new commitments. It takes a lot of time and patience (at least in this band) to make sure things are right for the taking.
Plus I'd like to see us in the best shape to do so. Maybe a short tour here or there would be better, but again we'll have to discuss these things and sort out the options well before hand.
The venues we were able to play over the past year, for the most part, acquired us the luxury of keeping things afloat. Hopefully we'll have these and other things squared away in the next few months. I don't think we're done just yet.
ps. Found a new distributor for the first album so you'll see that flying around a bit more.
Hey Guys. Wish you could have been at Lucy's last week. Everything Falls was tight and we played some new stuff. Hopefully we will hit again. Cheers.
Glad to hear. They're good people. Would really like to get back there in '13 with you guys!